
We edit corporate, business and personal website content; newsletters; fiction and nonfiction books for print and electronic editions; articles for magazines, newspapers and web publications; advertising and marketing materials. (If your project isn’t on that list, ask us about it anyway.)

Goode Edits charges hourly rates based on the services you’re seeking.

Proofreading: $35 per hour. Perfect for the almost-finished product, proofreading includes basic fact-checking (think numbers that add up, proper names of people and places, and dates that really match history), as well as correction of any errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling and capitalization.

Copy editing: $50 per hour. If your writing needs a little extra muscle, this is the perfect level for you. It includes everything you get in the proofreading package as well as a strong edit for style, structure, focus and syntax. With this level of editing, Goode Edits finesses your text, correcting such typical problems as redundancies and stilted language while improving flow and word choice.

Development editing: $75 per hour. Larger projects demand a strong edit. Development editing will include proofreading and copy editing but also will review your project thoroughly to ensure the plot or message has no holes, narrative or brand voice are consistent, and the content has no missing information or flawed logic. A collaborative approach will yield improvements to the message, story arc or content flow, as needed. This level is strongly suggested for books, website projects and strategic consultation.

Estimates are free

Goode Edits seeks a collaborative partnership with our clients, and we value clarity and transparency. We start with a thorough discussion of client goals and promise an honest assessment of project needs and a clear agreement on services and fees.

You choose the editing package that best suits your project and submit a sample of your work for a free consultation. You will receive a written estimate based on the size and complexity of the project.

The editing fee includes consultations by phone, email or web conference, depending on your preference. Completed work will be sent to you via email with corrections, suggestions and rewrites clearly marked.

We accept PayPal and cashier’s checks.